St. Mary FunFest 2016 Photo Album
Thank you to the FunFest Leadership Team and their army of volunteers that worked incredibly hard to make the FunFest 2016 a great event! Thank you for all the fun and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School - Summer 2016-
Enjoy pictures:
First Communion Preparation Day Photos
Congratulations to and May God Bless all our First Communicants!
Confirmation 2016 Photos
May God Bless our newly Confirmed as they continue on their faith journey.
MaryThon 2016 Photos
A huge success! Over $6000 was raised for the Dragonfly Foundation. Congratulations to our Jr. High Students on their commitment, enthusiasm, and dancing feet! A special heartfelt thanks to the
St Mary Young Adult Group led by Lizzy Hill and Brian have made a huge impact on many lives. #blessed
Confirmation Retreat March 2016 Photo Album
Confirmation candidates met for a day long retreat that started with Mass and included a visit form the NET Ministry team.
Mardi Gras Fun 2016 Photo Album Thank you to our Parish Life Commission for a fabulous Mardi Gras Party!
Pancakes with the Pope Photos!
FunFest 2015 Photo Album
Fellowship Committee Chair, Bill Scoville, has stepped down from this role after 18 years of faith-filled service. We are blessed and thank you, Bill, for your many years of hospitality!
Thank you to a faithful group of @25 parishioners who have prepared and served meals at the Madisonville Education & Assistance Center (MEAC) bi-monthly for a number of years. Your dedication and service is inspiring!
Anyone interested in volunteering for the MEAC dinner can contact Terry at
Fr. Ken 30th Ordination Anniversary Reception Photos
Congratulations Fr. Ken and thank you for shepherding the flock for 30 years! Here's to 30 more!
Vacation Bible School 2015 Photos
Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus Was a Kid - thank you to all our volunteers and camp goers!
Milestone Wedding Anniversary Celebration Photos
Fr. Ken celebrated the 25th, 40th, 50th, & 65th Wedding Anniversaries of parishioners at 11:30 Mass on Sunday, June 7, followed by brunch in the rectory. Congratulations to these couples!
"EPIC" Dinner Photos
A lovely dinner for our "Experienced Parishioners Indispensable Contributors" - thank you!
Morning of Lenten Reflection with Fr. Tom photos - Thank you to the St. Mary School PTO and Fr. Tom for an inspirational Morning of Lenten Reflection.
Mardi Gras 2015 Photos
Mardi Gras 2015! Thank you to all the Mardi Gras goers and our Parish Life Commission for hosting.
Parish Leadership Evening Photos- November 14
Parish commission members and staff came together for fellowship and a seminar led by David Ramey on "Emerging Models of Parish Leadership."
Thank you to our parishioners who participated in our Day of Service. Much good was done!
Thank you to all for a successful FunFest weekend! Enjoy...thank you to Dan Wurtzler for some great pictures!
Great race and fun party! Enjoy a few photos from the event. See you at the Funfest this weekend!
Fun and fellowship at the 2nd Annual Lobster Bake. Thank you to our Parish Life Commission!
Fr. Ken celebrated Wedding Anniversary milestones of 25, 40, & 50 years at the 11:30 Mass on June 8 followed by brunch at the rectory. Congratulations to these couples on their commitment to and love of their Sacrament of Marriage.
Walking with Mary - Lent 2014
An inspiring evening with beautiful music by the Mt. Adams Chorus - thank you!
Mardi Gras - March 1, 2014 photos
Thank you to all the parishioners who attended Mardi Gras hosted by our Parish Life Commission. Your support of the Capital Campaign is appreciated! A very fun evening.....
Decorating the Church for Christmas photos
Thank you to the parishioners who helped to make our church beautiful this Christmas season!
Day of Service Photos - Nov. 9, 2013 - more photos added 11/20!
Thank you to the 118 St Mary volunteers that came out to serve at: Interfaith Hospitality Network, St. Margaret Hall, Mercy Neighborhood Ministries, Venice on Vine, Prepare Affair, & Wordplay.
Harvest Fest 2013
Fun, Fall, & Fellowship - View photos from Harvest Fest 2013
Matthew Kelly Passion & Purpose Conference
Enjoy photos from the Matthew Kelly Passion & Purpose conference. 750 people from around the Archdiocese and from as far away as California came to St. Mary this past Saturday to hear the powerful message of Matthew Kelly. Thank you to Dynamic Catholic and our fellow hosting parishes; St. Cecilia, St. Rose, & St. Stephen Parishes. Thank you to all the student volunteers whose help was so important to the success of the conference.
Festival Fun 2013!
Thank you to all the tireless volunteers and families who came out to support the Festival!
Lobster Bake Summer 2013
Thank you to our Parish Life Commission for organizing an evening of fellowship at the Lobster Bake. Enjoy the Lobster Bake photos!
Mission Scavenger Hunt Photos
High School students from St. Mary Church and Knox Church participated in a Mission Scavenger Hunt. Thank you for your service.
Confirmation 2013
Enjoy the Confirmation photo album from this highlighted link.
Congratulations to our newly confirmed. May God Bless you!